In German households every 8th piece* of food ends as trash

*this equals the weight of 10 elephants – per second

Together with a group of students from Hochschule Darmstadt I created a fictitious communication campaign for foodsharing which we presented at the 27th GWA Junior Agency Day.

foodsharing is an initiative that wants to reduce food waste by creating online and offline possibilities to share food before it gets bad and by communicating the problem.

Most waste is caused by the consumers, who don’t finish all their food

today’s society is used to a modern lifestyle which is fast, uncomplicated, individual and flexible.

in our highliy developed industrialized world we veer away from nature. a market influenced by competition pushes down prices and products are always available.

“I know it’s wrong, I forget the food I have at home, I’m too busy”

Gracefully we remind the consumers at busy times

Don’t forget your food

by using the positive impact of celebrities we spread the word via short films and social media. we approach them at their busy times.

I don’t own songs or footage within this file. The work I am referring to relates to the basic modifications seen as hands with food.

My Roles in this Project:

Planning // Team Lead // Research // Analysis // Visual Language Definition // Poster Design // Short Movie Creation